• ISSN: 2349-6002
  • UGC Approved Journal No 47859
A female student submitting a research paper on IJIRT: UGC approved Journal.
ESTD Year: 2014

How to publish research paper | Publish Paper Now | IJIRT

An ultimate guide on how to publish research paper in UGC approved international journal. Which journal to choose? What to take care about?

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How to publish research paper - step by step guide

An ultimate guide on how to publish research paper in UGC approved International peer reviewed journal.

Publishing a research paper is an important milestone in any academic journey. It establishes your credibility as a researcher. This guide is for you to understand all crucial steps on how to publish research paper.

Prepare your manuscript

Before submitting your manuscript, ensure it meets the journal’s submission requirements:

Review the Author’s Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with our

  • Review the Author’s Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with our Author’s Guidelines to ensure your manuscript is formatted correctly and adheres to our ethical standards. This includes guidelines on manuscript structure, referencing style, word count, and more.
  • Originality and Plagiarism Check: Ensure your work is original and free from plagiarism. Submissions are screened using plagiarism detection software.
  • Language Quality: Manuscripts must be written in clear, concise English. If necessary, consider having your manuscript professionally edited to meet academic standards.
  • Gather Necessary Approvals: If your research involves human participants, animals, or sensitive data, make sure you have obtained the necessary ethical approvals and include these in your submission.

Submission of Manu script

The first step in publishing your research paper is the submission of manuscript to a journal. It is also essential to choose right journal for your research paper. An UGC & ISSN approved journal (important in India), with global reach and peer reviewed policy would be a great choice to submit a paper. Choose your journal and find their paper submission format. Follow the format and submit your research paper manuscript through online portal.

After submission you will get an acknowledgement email from the journal confirming that your manuscript has been received successfully. You can track your paper's status with the tracking number.

The review process

Once the manuscript is submitted, it will undergo the review process. It begins with the basic criteria check by the editorial team. If everything is good, paper is forwarded to expert review team (peers) for rigorous review. Peer reviewers are expert in your field who will assess the paper for its quality, originality and significance.

Acceptance status on email

After the detailed review of your paper, reviewer team decides whether to proceed with the publication. It is communicated to you via an email. There are typically three outcomes.

1. Acceptance: If your manuscript is accepted as it is you get an acceptance status. Means that your research meets the criteria of that particular journal to get published.

2. Revision required: If the team thinks that there are few things that needs to be changed in the manuscript, you get revision required status. This is a normal part of process in which you make necessary changes and resubmit the paper.

Rejected: If your manuscript is rejected you get this status. Do not be disappointed. This is a common part in academic publishing. You can use reviewers feedback to improve your manuscript.

Processing Charge

Once your manuscript is accepted by the journal, next step involves the submission of processing charges. Academic journals require authors to pay a fee to cover the costs associated with the process. Mostly these charges are affordable and may not be a big impact on your pocket.

You get a mail or notification to proceed to processing charges payment. Pay the processing charges and journal will start the process for publication.

Copyright submission

You will be required to submit a copyright agreement. This is a crucial stage. This determines the legal rights associated with your paper. Here, you grant the journal the right to publish your research and make it available for readers.


After following all the above steps, your manuscript is now ready for publication. Journal's team will prepare your manuscript for publication, which involves formatting the paper according to journal's style. Once that is complete, paper will be published in journal and will be made open to access for all if it is an open access journal.

This was a complete step by step guide on "how to publish research paper". Follow the guide and publish your research paper in right journal.

You may choose IJIRT as your journal. As being UGC (important in India) & ISSN approved we are credible in the community. Also we have global reach and open access policy helping your paper get more citation and reach.