Time History Analysis Of Structure Subjected To Biaxial Excitation

  • Unique Paper ID: 145008
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 406-408
  • Abstract:
  • Major structural collapses occur when a building is under the action of dynamic loadswhich includes both earthquake and wind loads. In these modern days, most of thestructures are involved with architectural attributes and it is highly impossible to plan with irregular shapes. These irregularities areresponsible for structural collapse of buildings under the action of dynamic loads. Hence, extensive research is required for achieving ultimate performance even with a poor configuration. A building is said to be a regular when it is symmetric about the axis and it is said to be the irregular when it lacks symmetry and discontinuity in geometry, mass or load resisting elements. During an earthquake, failure of structure starts at points of weakness. This weakness arises due to discontinuity in mass, stiffness and geometry of structure. The structures having this discontinuity are termed as Irregular structures. Irregular structures contribute a large portion of urban infrastructure.Earthquakes are one of the most devastating natural hazards that cause great loss of life and livelihood. Most recent earthquakes have shown that the irregular distribution of mass, stiffness and strengths may cause serious damage in structural systems, such buildings undergo torsional motions. An ideal multistory building designed to resist lateral loads due to earthquake would consist of only symmetric distribution of mass and stiffness in plan at every storey and a uniform distribution along height of the building. Such a building would respond only laterally and is considered as torsionally balanced (TB) building. But it is very difficult to achieve such a condition because of restrictions such as architectural requirement and functional needs. The structures whose performances were evaluated in this study, are designed with the provisions from IS: 1893-2002. Equivalent static force method of determining earthquake force is limited to the structures having height of less than 40 meters. Hence this study deals with medium rise buildings (ten storied). The purpose of proposed work is to investigate the seismic response of structure with realistic approach with an analysis method of time history analysis.
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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 4
  • Issue: 6
  • PageNo: 406-408

Time History Analysis Of Structure Subjected To Biaxial Excitation

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8.01 (Year 2024)

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