CFD Transient Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Fins by Using Different Materials

  • Unique Paper ID: 148511
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 250-257
  • Abstract:
  • The cylinder block is an integrated structure comprising the cylinder of a reciprocating engine and often some or all of their associated surrounding structures (coolant passages, intake and exhaust passages and ports, and crankcase). The term engine block is often used synonymously with "cylinder block" (although technically distinctions can be made between engine block cylinders as a discrete unit versus engine block designs with yet more integration that comprise the crankcase as well). The energy is transit is termed Heat and Heat is a form of energy. The molecules of a substance are in parallel motion. The mean kinetic energy per molecule of the substance is proportional to its absolute temperature. The transmission of energy from one region to another as a result of temperature gradient. In heat transfer the driving potential is temperature difference. The aim of this study to optimized the better material for engine cylinder block for maximum heat transfer. The main focus on the study are to make as fast as heat transfer from the cylinder block. In this work the model of engine cylinder block has been design in ANSYS 14.5.The designed model has been meshed and the transient analysis of engine cylinder block done.The transient thermal analysis ware performed using an analytical software package ANSYS worktable supported finite volume analysis. Within the present work transient thermal analysis is performed for various material for engine cylinder fin. The subsequent points are recognized within the variety of conclusive statements that are as follows. From the results it is clearly shows that the fin which is made up of Aluminum alloy 6061 attain maximum temperature of 793.1 °C at 10 seconds in comparison to other where aluminum alloy 795.71°C, Al metal matrix composition alloys (Al-MMC) 793.67°C.Aluminum alloy 6061 dissipates more heat as compare to other material. Aluminum alloy 6061 attain maximum heat flux of 2.1013e+005 W/m2 at 10 seconds in comparison to other where aluminum alloy 1.1832e+005 W/m2.Aluminum alloy 6061 attain maximum directional heat flux of 1.6841e+005 W/m2 at 10 seconds in comparison to other where aluminum alloy 95063 W/m2.
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  • ISSN: 2349-6002
  • Volume: 6
  • Issue: 2
  • PageNo: 250-257

CFD Transient Thermal Analysis of Cylinder Fins by Using Different Materials

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8.01 (Year 2024)

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