Fine structure DPOAE's in identifying Noise Induced Hearing Loss due to traffic noise exposure in South India's Metropolitan

  • Unique Paper ID: 152883
  • Volume: 8
  • Issue: 4
  • PageNo: 761-765
  • Abstract:
  • Noise-induced hearing loss (N.I.H.L) has become the most common occupational injury. It is largely preventable, when the noise exposure is terminated, that contains the hearing loss. The aim of the present study was to understand the usefulness of fine structure DPOAEs to indicate ears having initial damage if observable in normal-hearing adults exposed to traffic noise. The parameters that were evaluated DPOAE amplitude and ear laterality effect (right ear versus left ear); and the DPOAE amplitude for the octave frequency effects (2-4 KHz & 4-8 KHz) in control group as well as experimental group with 30 participants in each group. The results indicate that the subjects in experimental group were having better DPOAE amplitudes in the 2-4 kHz region than in the 4-8 kHz region, no such difference in amplitude was noted in the control group. Thus, we need to use improved objective measures in order to identify early the damaging effects of traffic noise even before it is shown by the conventional pure-tone audiogram. It may be concluded that cochlear dysfunction in traffic noise-induced hearing loss may extend beyond the frequency region suggested by the audiogram, and that Fine structure DPOAEs is a sensitive test to detect this damage. However, it is alarming that individual who for the occupational need are getting exposed to such traffic noise for 8-12 hours/day are at high risk for hearing loss and related problems.
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